Neurodiverse Living Network Digest- March 2024

Resources + Notes from March's Meet:

Important to note: the chat transcript can be saved when tuning in to Neurodivergent Living Network from a computer. Click 3-dots button in chat and select 'Save Chat'.

Important Statistics – Proof that NDLN is helping the community through answering inquiries and “providing resources for us by us”.

We had 8 asks for help from our community. The breakdown was 2 from people who were unable to ask in person, 5 were asks for anonymous help. 1 ask was in person. AutismBC Currently has 1 community gathered resource projects that are ongoing.

Ask 1: Help to find neurodivergent-friendly housing

Resource Links

∞   Housing initiative helps people on autism spectrum live independently in Vancouver |CBC News

∞   Welcometo PASS Housing — PASS Adult Services

∞   InclusiveHousing Initiative - Community Living BC

∞   InclusiveHousing: Community Engagement and Partnership Mapping - Campaigns - InclusionBC

∞   InclusionBC and CLBC launch three-year plan to increase inclusive housing - Blog -Inclusion BC

∞   ProvincialHomelessness Grants - Sparc BC

∞   SPARCBC - The Social Planning and Research Council of B.C.

∞   BC Accessibility HUB | Helping to Build an Accessible and Inclusive British Columbia

Experiences of Note

∞    N/A

Agreed Upon Course of Action If Needed

∞    Currently, there isn't a one-stop shop for ND roommates in BC. There was talk of potentially turning this into a community project. We have resourced some options during our research time.

Ask 2: Help with Inclusive supports for autistic children/swearing/bullying resources.

Resource Links

∞   The Whole-Brain Child:  Microsoft Word - Document1 (

∞   Yes Brain:  Microsoft Word - appendix--Refrigerator Sheet--The Yes Brain 1.4.docx (

∞   Book clubs  Parent Support Services-Provincial- Parenting Book Club ( New sessions this spring


∞   Bullying in Schools Plagues Neurodivergent Students: ADDitude Survey (

∞   Bullying and Children with Autism: How to Help Your Child | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (

∞   Low Arrousal Approach:  Whatis the Low Arousal Approach and How Can It Benefit My Family? - AutismAwareness (

∞   CalmingStrategies to Support an Autistic Person - Autism Awareness(

∞   Interoception and autism : body awareness challenges for those with ASD(

∞   Mona Delahooke:  Beyond Behaviors

∞   Echololia:  Echolalia in ADHD: Types, Causes, Treatment (

∞   When echolalia is featured with ADHD, it is usually the result of self-stimulation or stimming. Self-stimulation refers to behavior that helps an individual cope with anxiety or stress. These repeated behaviors help to improve focus and the way the brain processes information. Stimming may also improve mood.

∞   Resource:



∞   4Practical Interventions to Help Develop Social Skills - Autism ParentingMagazine

∞   RDI and relationshipskills:  RelationshipDevelopment Intervention | RDIconnect

Experiences of Note

∞    Community talked of echolalia being a potentialcause of the swearing.

∞    Teaching the child about the importance ofknowing when/where to use the language was discussed.

Agreed Upon Course of Action If Needed

∞     Resources sent to Parent.

Ask 3: Help with child who is on the spectrum but also has learning/processing issues dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyslexia etc.

Resource Links




∞   numbersense crucial


∞   Dyslexia,Dysgraphia & Dyscalculia: Helping Kids With Learning Disorders Thrive

∞   EmbraceAutism | The ultimate autism resource (


Experiences of Note

∞    N/A

Agreed Upon Course of Action If Needed

∞    Resources sent to Parent.

Ask 4: Resources on Chron's and ARFID

Resource Links

∞   There were suggestions that theremight be an underlying issue with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome


∞   Since a rheumatologist that diagnosesChron's can also diagnose EDS there might be a co-occuring issue. 

∞   GastrointestinalIssues and Autism Spectrum Disorder

∞   Thereis also a link between eating disorders (specifically binge eating disorder)and proprioception.

∞   A practical suggestion was replacementdrinks like Ensure/Boost. You can also add something called ThickIt to juices or soups that might help.

∞   Why SoMany People with Autism Have Eating Disorders | Psychology Today

Experiences of Note

∞    Childrenwith autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tend to have more gastrointestinal (GI)problems than their peers. These problems include abdominal pain, constipation,diarrhea, gastroesophageal reflux, and inflammation of the digestive tract1234.Some GI problems may be related to gene mutations that are also linked to thebehavioural symptoms of autism.

Agreed Upon Course of Action If Needed

∞     SentResources to Parent.

Ask 5: Help with personal/intimate relationship issues when you are on the spectrum

Resource Links




∞   Leap institute,  LEAP listen empathy agree/accept, plan collaboratively together



Experiences of Note

∞    The group agreed that it is usually harder for people on the spectrum to engage in relationships when it comes to emotions and expressing them.

Agreed Upon Course of Action If Needed

∞    Sent Resource to Requestor.

∞    Talk of potentially in the future having a peerrun support group on this subject.

Ask 6: Planning for the transition to adulthood for children on thespectrum.

Resource Links

∞    Programs for Autistic Adults | Canucks AutismNetwork

∞    Navigation and Lived Experiences for AutisticYoung Adults — Blog, Caregivers, Stories — AutismBC

∞    Services to Adults with Developmental Disabilities(STADD) - Community Living BC

∞    Planning Tools - Community Living BC

∞    Other Provincial Organizations - Community LivingBC

∞    What Support is Available? | Community Living BC

∞    Adult Services - Developmental DisabilitiesAssociation

∞    Programs and Services - CMHA British Columbia

∞    Adults - CMHA Vancouver-Fraser

∞    ECHO Clubhouse - CMHA Vancouver-Fraser

Experiences of Note

∞    N/A

Agreed Upon Course of Action If Needed

∞     SentResources to Parent.

Ask 7: Help starting mutual-aid groups in your area.

Resource Links

∞    🌈♿️ MutualAid and Human-Centered Learning for Neurodivergent and Disabled People -Stimpunks Foundation

∞    The Village App, is an online tool designed to fosterconnections and support within our community. Created by a member of theAutismBC community, The Village App offers a unique platform for mutual aid,where members ask for help, share resources, and connect with others whounderstand their journey. The Village App provides a safe and inclusive spacewhere we can come together to offer real-life support and build meaningfulrelationships. Check out The Village App and experience the benefits ofcommunity firsthand. 

∞    How To Start Community Groups

Experiences of Note:

∞    N/A

Agreed Upon Course of Action If Needed

∞    Sent information to Requestor

AutismBC Ongoing Requests for Community Gathered Resources

∞    Sensory ShoppingDatabase

∞    NeurodivergentFriendly Lawyers and Legal Clinics

Other Resources of Note

ExecutiveFunctioning and Time Management

∞    Vancouver Queer Spoon Share

∞    Vancouver Queer POC Spoon Share

∞    Sarah Ward - 360 Thinking - COGNITIVE CONNECTIONS

∞    Focus, Organize, and Succeed: An ExecutiveFunctioning Toolkit that Works

∞    8 Time-Planning Tools to Help People WithExecutive Function Disorder Focus

∞    Cozi - Household Management App

∞    Gamifying Tasks



Peer Support and Training - Potentially something that NDLN will be interested in training in so we can help our community better






∞    Provincial Peer Support Worker Training Curriculum(16 modules) (

∞   The Provincial Peer Support Training Curriculum course takes approximately 40 hours to complete. To receive a Certificate of Completion you must first register for the course on the Registration page to create an account.

∞   NDLN Could create modules specific to neurodiversity, neurodivergency, developmental disabilities, learning disabilities

∞   Train facilitators, navigators and peer supporters.

∞   Social Prescribing


AutismBC Ongoing Requests for Community Gathered Resources

∞    AutismBC Community Project - Neurodivergent Living Network - Community Task - Sensory Shopping 

∞      This is a form that we will use to log our community project task of Sensory Shopping Resource Gathering. We are crowdsourcing a list of sensory-friendly shopping options. Please use this form to log the response of stores, if they offer a sensory-friendly time or if they would like more information on how to set up the sensory-friendly shopping time. 

∞   The Cove Community Play is looking for help sourcing equipment. Please email Anne for more information on this. 

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